Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Digital Marketing Strategy

Still on the fence about Digital Marketing? Here are 5 reasons why your small business needs a Digital Marketing Strategy.

Congrats on your new business! Finally, you were able to build it after several years. But now that you already have the name, the product, or service – what’s next!?

We all know that a business will never be a business if it does not sell. Primarily, because the purpose of building it is to sell, to create revenue, to help other people, for you to make a living, to make a change.


What is Digital Marketing?

According to Dave Chaffley, in the simplest version, digital marketing is simply achieving marketing objectives by applying digital technologies and media. It started when Google was born in 1994, followed by Blogger in 1999, and with the first social site, MySpace in 2003, and then Facebook the following year.

And if you’ve done your research before putting up a business, I guess you already know about this! And if you’ll ask if it’s the website, Facebook Page, Twitter, or Instagram, yes you are right! But those are just a few!  However, knowing digital marketing alone or even creating a Facebook page or website is not enough for your business growth.

To win and reach out to your audience/ prospects, you need to understand how it works! You need a plan. You need an outline: a procedure, a precise procedure.

You need a digital marketing strategy!

What about digital marketing strategy?

Digital marketing strategy is the master plan or a blueprint to achieve a longterm goal of your business. This is your cheat sheet on the series of actions steps that you will do to reach your audience and convert. Generally, it includes:

  • Conducting a situational analysis
  • Setting goals for your digital marketing
  • Defining your marketing strategy
  • Defining digital strategies and tactics that
    Analyzing your performance

And If you’re wondering why you need to immediately take action on your digital marketing agency right now, here are the reasons!

1. Higher competition. You want to stay ahead!

According to eMarketer, worldwide digital ad spend is predicted to reach over $375 Billion by 2021. The total media ad spending continues to rise from an average of 35% from 2016 to 49% in 2021.

This means that digital marketing is booming! For sure, your competitors are one of these spenders. And since everyone is already in, you need to find your sweet spot.

You need to position yourself and stand out from the crowd. So you better check out your digital marketing strategy right now!

2. Because digital marketing is broad, and you don’t want to lose direction.

There are different types of digital marketing like:

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Pay-per-click advertising
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Viral Marketing
  • Mobile Phone Advertising

Each type requires a step by step process to execute correctly. There are also technicalities that you need on some like SEO. And if you won’t be having a digital marketing strategy, you will get lost!

Chances are you will try one type and then hop to another if it doesn’t work. Or you will try and then get exhausted!

You possibly don’t know your customers well. You may have the audience in mind, but without further studying their behavior, your digital marketing may fail. You need to check their wants, needs based on their reaction online.

According to Marketo Engagement Gap report, 51% of consumers believe brands send too much irrelevant content, and 56% believes that businesses need to have a deeper understanding of their needs.

You don’t want to be part of these right? So don’t let them bore, and leave you.

3. You want everyone on the team on the same page.

Remember, there will be people behind you.

Having a well-planned digital marketing strategy will be much easier for the whole team. Everyone knows the primary goal, what to do or not, what’s the next step, and what you will do in case it fails.

If you have no digital marketing strategy, your people are just roaming around. People are always testing the waters. People aren’t sure. And mostly, they can lose motivation.

Imagine yourself as a team member, how hard is it to be blinded every day?

4. You don’t want to lose money.

Imagine investing in unspecified digital marketing strategy.

Let’s take a simple example:

Your business: Financial Consulting

Digital Marketing Channel: Since you aren’t sure what to do, you create a Facebook Page and then a paid advertisement. After five months: Still, no one calls you.

Realization: You have spent around 50 pesos a day for 150 days = roughly 7,500 pesos. Whereas, these 7,500 pesos can already reach thousands of people and possibly convert if you just put a specific audience. It could have been a hundred thousand already after closing a deal, but it became negative.

This example may sound simple, but you see how it works? Without a specific digital marketing strategy can hurt your budget. Instead of spending it as an additional investment to grow, you are losing the money.

5. You don’t want to lose your business.

Losing the money, people, direction. If you don’t have a strong digital marketing strategy, in due time, all of these will fall into losing your business.

According to Smart Insights, 50% of businesses don’t have an integrated Digital Marketing Strategy, and it’s challenging to know where to start. This 49 % possibly are also using digital tools and may get results.

But with defined marketing strategy, organic and paid searches, ads, and social media marketing can work better and can be supported by marketing automation or website optimization.


Hope these simple reasons help you understand why you need a digital marketing strategy whether you’re a start-up or have an existing business.

And if you want to learn more about digital marketing, sign-up to our newsletter and received fresh articles straight to your inbox!

Or if you want to start your digital marketing strategy, you have two options. You can do it on your own, or you can talk to us and have a free consultation. Know what should be your focus, possible ways, and ultimately grow your business!

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